Craig Kennet Miller and MaryJane Pierce Norton
Making God Real for a New Generation

Pris kr. 140,00, Engelsk

2003 – ISBN 0-88177-376-X

Perhaps the greatest challenge facing the church today is to be God's witness to our children and young people, to make God real for this new generation.

Making god Real for a New Generation: Ministry With Millennials Born From 1982to 1999 begins with a section titled "Who Are the Millennials?" which gives an overview of some of the key characteristics and issues facing the Millennial Generation.

Following this first section are four sections containing articles that focus on how congregations and families can be witnesses for this Millennials Generation.

·        "Millennials and Their Families" focuses on the life cycle of Millennials and the impact families have on their values, beliefs and futures.

·        "Millennials and Their World" looks at key issues Millennials face in their day-today living at school, at home and at church.

·        "The Spirituality of Millennials" paints a picture of a generation that seeks God in many ways - perhaps not radically different from pervious generations but in ways that challenge us to ask, "What are we doing to partner with young people in finding God?"

·        "Models for Ministry With Millennials" suggest some key ways congregations can create opportunities to be in ministry with Millennials.


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